Thursday, April 17, 2008

How to Make That First Date Great!

Don’t let nerves and self-doubt get in the way of a perfect first date. You know the questions. Here’s the rest…
  1. Spend no more than five minutes when you are fixing things up on the phone. Let there to be an air of mystery till you two actually meet and talk instead of going ‘blah blah blah’ on the phone.
  2. Guys, do take the trouble to make the first call and suggest where to have the date. It shows initiative.
  3. Early evenings are great time dates. Mornings are often busy with lots of work, and lunch is too informal. Early evenings allow you the opportunity to have more time together.
  4. The best places to meet for a first date are public places. Restaurants are fine. Avoid going to the movies or secluded, quite places with a first-time date unless you are great with karate or love instant moves.
  5. Stay away from bars or clubs. There are too many people and too much activity. You may lose the focus of your date.
  6. Bookstores are for browsing. That is where you meet, not where you date. Stay away!
  7. A first date should never be a coffee date since the direct eye contact makes some women quite uncomfortable. Try a nice restaurant or take a walk and have a chat.
  8. You have 10 seconds to make a first impression, so look your BEST.
  9. When dressing for a first date, dress casual but nice.
  10. Do not wear sneakers or sweats. PLEASE!
  11. Less is more when it comes to jewelry and other bling, for both men and women.
  12. Make sure you carry breath mints, er, just in case…
  13. Be yourself. Trying too hard to impress can end up leaving an unreal impression on your date!
  14. Show that you can be sexy, intelligent and beautiful… all in one. Do not afraid to show all those traits. Show your sense of humor, smile and make great eye contact.
  15. And, most importantly, be on time!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

What is the Essential Ingredient Needed to Make a Relationship Last Forever

Often, just love is not enough... You also need a deeper understanding and be in sync with each other to be able to make it last the long haul. Even when you've achieved that, there are hurdles to overcome. Read on and find ways to make this one go the distance...

Be Flexible, or Pick Someone Like You

In terms of maintaining a long-term love, one of the best predictors or longevity is how similar your morals, values, goals and ways of thinking about important issues are. Obviously, the further apart you are, the greater the likelihood of frequent disagreements, unless you and your partner are particularly flexible people who are good at compromising. Of course, there will be still be arguments; that is a part of even the strongest relationships. But if the gap between the two of you is relatively small, your task of compromising will be much less onerous.

Give 80 Per Cent to Your Partner

Nothing solidifies love and trust like being thoughtful and giving toward your mate. If both of you are doing this, then each feels pretty satisfied and loved. Of course, there will be and should be times when you need to put yourself first but these times should be in the minority. If you give to your mate, he or she will really enjoy giving to you. Nothing breeds love quite like giving love.

Love On Balance

No one is perfect and you will not love everything about anyone. Unfortunately, many think that they are supposed to love everything about their partner and so when there's something they don't like, they begin to fixate on this trait and even try to change it. When it comes to love, you must take the good with the bad, because in the grand scheme of the relationship, the positive should outweigh the negative.

Determine Why You Are Happy

Marital dissatisfaction often has its roots in personal unhappiness (which can be related to work, level of success, health or weight, etc.). Often these personal shortcomings are blamed on the marriage. In fact, many couples that once chose to remain in unhappy marriages end up happy five years later even though nothing in the marriage itself has changed. So if you too fell that your relationship is making you miserable, step back and see if it's really you.

Treasure Your Life History

When you're with someone you love, it means you build something together. This is something irreplaceable in your life history. No one else will know you as intimately, ever. Who else will share your happiness and disappointments as fully, love your kids the way you do and hold the same memories of your family? These commonalities are often underrated by couples and then sorely missed when they are gone. Value, nurture and hold on to your life history, because it will be a tremendous source of pleasure to you both later.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Dress to Impress: First Date Outfits for Guaranteed Success

Dress Romantic
  • Head-to-toe ruffles aren't necessary but a hint of femininity is. Pair soft tops with structured pants or a long, flowing skirt with a simple top. Go pink - works wonders!
Skip the Sleaze
  • Dressing like early sleazy may get his attention but not his affection. Try peekaboo styles that leave something to the imagination. Make crochet or sheer tops and slit skirts your weapons of choice.
Be Comfortable
  • No need to hold your breath in skinny jeans. Opt for stretch styles that hug the figure and let you breathe too. And stilettos are sexy but not feasible. Be comfy.
Reveal the Real You
  • Be it your charm bracelet or a groovy pin, let your accessories talk about the real you.
  • Wear your favorite color.
  • Don a sentimental piece of jewellery like granny's necklace or a friendship band - anything that can be a conversation starter.
  • Dress in a familiar style. If downtown diva is your thing, don't change yourself.
Pass on Status Pieces
  • Chances are, he's not going to know one designer from the next, so save your impressive designer labels for a girls' night out. Remember that if you show up looking like too much of a fashion plate, he may be intimidated by your shopping prowess. And also start slotting you as a high-maintenance woman - too much to handle!

Monday, January 7, 2008

Relationship Wreckers!

Follow any of these pointers and you can kiss your steady goodbye...
  1. End arguments by turning some deeply private secret he's told you.. against him, adding, "Screw you, you slobbering half-wit!"
  2. Beg him to read your private journal.
  3. Call him repeatedly. If he doesn't call back, e-mail him. If he doesn't return your e-mail, fax him. If he still doesn't call, drop by his office and surprise him with a cute card. If he's not at his office, drive to his house, wait for him at his front door and, when he arrives, tell him he can do anything with you.
  4. Ask him once a week, "So, where do we stand?" Or better yet, ask, "Where do we stand as a couple?"
  5. Actually tell him exactly how many chaps you have slept with.
  6. Fixate on the future. Focus on his taking you for your couple holiday next Valentine's Day.
  7. Always cry after sex.
  8. Criticize his mother.
  9. Do you own a pair of baggy maroon sweatpants? Wear them.
  10. Is he feeling a tad overwhelmed by the serious turn your affair is taking? Surprise him with loads of gifts for no reason.
  11. Nag. Nag. Nag. Nag.
  12. Giggle at his receding hairline. Watch him burn.
  13. Tell him that oral sex makes you gag except when he does it.
  14. Don't let him miss you. Spend every blessed moment with /near /on /under /over him, particularly those blessed moments when you feel bloated and paranoid.
  15. Never carry your wallet with you.
  16. Let him know that every day is Judgement Day as far as you and he are concerned and that you'd rather be right than happy.